community involvement

At FMP, we understand the importance of community support. We partner with various non-profit and service organizations, including Roots for the Home Team, a program that provides opportunities for multicultural youth to discover new possibilities and pathways, and ACES (Athletes Committed to Educating Students). FMP employees regularly participate in blood drives, toy and coat drives, the Polar Plunge, and Race for the Cure. We strive to make a positive difference for the members of our communities.

With our focus on being a “Forever Company”, Factory Motor Parts is committed to building strong communities. FMP provides a variety of opportunities for our team members to get involved in, and we support strong and healthy communities through volunteerism.

Red Cross Annual Blood Drive

The Red Cross is constantly working to increase the availability of blood and blood products through community and organizational blood drives. 

Coat Drive for Kids

Distributing winter apparel such as coats, mittens and hats to children in need. 

Toys for Tots

Collects new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children.

Food Drives

Collecting non-perishable food items to support those less fortunate within our community.

Minneapolis Polar Plunge Sponsor

Minneapolis event supporting Special Olympics Minnesota. All funds raised go towards programming and events for more than 8,000 athletes statewide.

Minneapolis Lung Run Sponsor

Minneapolis event to support lung cancer research and awareness.

Battery Core Recycling Program

Properly disposing of hazardous materials, while re-claiming all the reusable lead and plastic for future use. 

Holiday Mail for Heroes Program

The Holiday Mail for Heroes program involved the entire Minnesota Region in generating holiday cards for active-duty military members and veterans. Overall, 12,510 holiday cards were distributed to a total of 24 US Army and Air National Guard units, 3 reserve units, 2 Coast Guard stations, 2 V.A. Hospitals; 2 V.A. Clinics, 4 state veterans homes, 2 veterans facilities (MACV and Eagles Nest) and 2 V.F.W.'s. An estimated 175 volunteer hours were donated for this program.